Who I Be In 2018?

This year I am focusing myself for something that making my ability grows.  if I work on myself and try something new, that’ll help me to know my personality.   

In 2018

I will not…
Allow my personal doubt to halt any goals I'm working on
let my ego take control of my emotions
let a day go by without completing tasks
excuse myself for not completing tasks
Faults others
spend my day without muhasabah

I will…
Put God before everything & everyone, including myself
say 'bismillah' before everything
keep my head down & my heart up
Cleanse my heart of my ego & any negative or ill-feelings
be confident in my abilities while knowing there's always room for growth
read more books
Write more
Judge less
read & memorize more Qur'an
Not just feel, but show my sympathy for others
stop dreaming just do it
excuse those who hurt me
pray for those who hurt me
pray for those who love me
pray for strangers
learn to delegate tasks to others
compliment others more
love & forgive unconditionally
say 'no' and 'yes' with confidence & no hesitation
learn to just start & not overthink the process
ask about others more often
be okay with people helping me
manage my sleep schedule more diligently
reflect the day's accomplishments every night
Dzikir every morning and evening
tell my loved ones I love them more often
smile more
love more

Here's to another blessed, productive, and reflection year. A year initiated with a clean and pure heart. Living every moment with love & in the name of our Creator:
"And do not walk upon the earth exultantly.
Indeed, you will never tear the earth [apart] & you will never reach the mountains in height."
[Al-Israa 17:37]


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